Now I'm not in the mood for writing a review
But this changed my mind completely
Urgh this would be great credit music or happy music
I loved the way you made it video-gamey but happy at the same time
Keep up the awesome work dude!
Thanks, completely random stranger! Always happy to make random people happy.
This is a fantastic song to put in a creepy animation
Nice work man
Keep it up
Yer the music was cool
But when you keep saying fuck you
And all you fags
And I don't give a fuck
I know it's all a joke but still
When your listening to a song and all you hear is fuck you fags
The song kinda drifts off the,''YER THIS SONG ROCKS'', scale
This song was a let down
Urgh yes!
I give you a friggin 20!
The beat was fast and gritty
The perfect dubstep song
And when they started talking it brang the song out with humour
Keep up the awesome song making because this song is DOWNLOADED!
Urgh yes!
I remember you turdz I have quite a few songs from you
And I must say that your songs are awesome
Keep it up turd...or should I dare say?...TURDZ!
The sounds were sharp and snappy
there were no breaths taken in
Very nice
You finally made me talk on newgrounds for some time
seriously this isn't even funny if this is a joke
Really dude...just.....don;t
I love the way you mixed sounds together
Even though this isn't head exploding
...I like it
It has that vibe that techno songs have and some properties that dubstep has
Mixing sounds together create what you have created
It's awesome
Keep up the awesomness
Expcecting BIG things from you
Keep up the mixing dude!
I like mixing together genres. Glad some people out there appreciate it too :D
Hope I can meet your expectations haha, thanks for the review!
Joined on 12/12/10